kiss fm advertising
Kiss FM Advertising
Do you want to advertise in Kiss FM? On this page you will find the full offer of products, possibilities and prices for advertising in Kiss FM. If you want to learn about advertising options on other Radio stations, use our search engine, which will help you quickly find other Radio advertising options, as well as options in other media and advertising displays you may be interested in using for your advertising campaigns.
- Penetration
- Profitability
- Measurability
- Geo-segmentation
- Discrimination
Schedule | 20-second ads | |
Las Mañanas Kiss | from 6h00 to 11h00 | 4.515 € ~ 6.195 € |
Fórmula Mañana Kiss FM | from 11h00 to 15h00 | 3.990 € |
Fórmula Tarde Kiss FM | from 15h00 to 22h00 | 3.675 € |
Fórmula Noche Kiss FM | from 22h00 to 0h00 | 2.730 € |
Fórmula Fin de Semana Kiss FM | Weekend | 2.730 € |
Prices do not include VAT (21%)
Kiss fm advertising
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